Maddie Bautista
Maddie Bautista is an award-winning theatre artist, sound designer, and composer.

Varman Navaratnam (sussvarman)
Varman Navaratnam (sussvarman) is a rapper, producer, and writer. He is one of 24 artists selected for the 2021 NoteWorthy cohort (The Musical Stage Company & Prime Mover Theatre Company’s flagship music theatre writing program)

Riel Reddick-Stevens
Riel is a performer, writer, musician, arts educator originally from Nova Scotia.

Hal Wesley Rogers
Hal is a multitalented performer/creator; he was Alberta born, British Columbia trained, and considers all of Canada home.

Shreya Jha
Shreya Jha is a Toronto-based composer, lyricist, playwright, and educator. She is interested in contemporary musical theatre, classical music, and music education for social change.